join us as we celebrate the
resurrection of jesus christ
We cannot wait to celebrate Resurrection Sunday with everyone! Leading up to Easter, we have many opportunities to engage in Prayer, Worship, Fellowship, and the Word. We have activities for the whole family.

Easter Sunday
10:45 AM, Sunday, April 20th
Let's come together and remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, and celebrate his resurrection. Joy comes in the morning!
Let's come together and remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, and celebrate his resurrection. Joy comes in the morning!
holy week
Easter Luncheon
Sunday, March 30th
12:00 PM
Immediately following the service, we will have a luncheon in the gym.
Easter egg hunt
Sunday, april 6th
10:45 AM
Palm Sunday Service
Sunday, March 13th
10:45 AM
Good Friday Service
Friday, March 29th
6:30 PM + 7:30 PM
Following service, children ages Preshool - 5th grade are welcome to participate.
Join us for a special Palm Sunday Service in the sanctuary.
Join us for a special Good Friday Service in the sanctuary. Two service times available. Childcare provided for birth - Pre-K.
Prayer gatherings
72 hours of prayer and fasting,
March 26 - 28th
saturdays at 9:00 aM
in the sanctuary
Nightly prayer gatherings from 6:30-7:30 in the sanctuary
We will continue our weekly time for reflection and connection.